For over a decade, Axis HealthCare has proudly served the Tulsa community, delivering exceptional, high-quality care with a commitment to improving the well-being of our neighbors.
We offer same-day appointments. Whether you schedule an appointment or just walk-in, we can always accommodate you.
We accept all major insurances, including Medicaid, Medicare, and SoonerCare. Please see our insurance list on our Patient’s Page. If a patient does not have insurance, we charge a low flat rate of $125 for a family practice office visit and $100 for established patients.
We are located in:
(918) 335-2273
(918) 943-3790
(918) 543-8880
(918) 825-3777
(918) 224-2222
Tulsa Hills
(918) 584-8522
(405) 566-3411
All of our clinics have easy access, parking, handicapped accommodation, and are set in convenient locations that can serve everyone in the community. Find a location near you and schedule with us today!